Post quake flooding in Christchurch

The situation in Christchurch has now become very clear.
Constant flooding with the suffering of affected people. Insurance companies running for shelter by not providing insurance for flooding.

The insurance sector has a plan for these areas to increase the cost of insurance or not to provide insurance cover on the long run.
People that have suffered the hardship of the earthquakes, still living in damaged houses through the fourth winter suffering constant flooding and further loss of property due to high insurance excesses or no insurance cover. Most of these people do not have any certainty about their future, not able to make any decisions and it is fair to say that they are in captivity by the recovery authorities.

We are having one serious rain event today, we may have relief on Wednesday but there is another large rain event on the horizon in the following days.

The advisors to the government and to EQC come from the insurance sector. I believe how the recovery is handled reflects that quite clearly.
One of the most significant tools of the insurance industry is risk transfer. The insurance sector trades with risk and they are fully aware of the cost of risk.

They way the Risk Transfer works is that the risk that we insured for is not mitigated. Residents are left with the risk.
The risk is varying, land damage, rock fall, risk of flooding, risk of subsidence, risk of foundation failure, risk of illegal or substandard repairs and house failure.

Due to building regulation changes Geotechnical, Structural engineers, quantity surveyors and architects have no liability when it comes to building contracts. The public is not aware of this fact and the blind trust of the public is a known factor.

It is interesting that this statement was made by Hon Maurice Williamson before changes to the building act were proposed.
“Residential consumers are vulnerable -they rarely commission building work, and they have limited knowledge of the associated risks and the options for managing these.”
This was followed by the changes of the building act and the publication of the MBIE guidelines.

I ask who’s interest is at heart?

Another issue is that while stated that houses should be raised to pre earthquake levels or to the district plan requirements, the fact is that the building regulations have been bent so much that insurance companies are getting away with transferring this flood risk over to the residents. This is due to the actions of the government. Just from looking around the eastern suburbs hardly any houses have had their floor levels raised despite many properties having subsided below high tide. (MHWS)

The land claims settlement is another can of worms, the government has used legislation to instruct devaluation of properties in Christchurch.

Interestingly the worst affected areas of land damage have suffered the most significant devaluation.
It is specifically stated by Quotable Value that this updated rating value is not earthquake related damage and is only based on recent sales.

EQC desires to use this devaluation to determine their cap payment to the worst affected people. This is like devaluing a car after a loss and settle the insurance claim based on the value of the damaged car. While nothing has been released so far on how the land claims will be settled this is how this looks to me.

In my opinion EQC has failed their obligations to deal with the natural disaster. They have left people in un acceptable risk caused by the natural disaster. The organization seems to be driven as a hard core profit making business while it is is set up as a recovery organization. That has become obvious. EQC and the Government are responsible for this situation but sadly not even the opposition stands up and points this out to media. Colossal failure and mismanagement.
This is not a local Christchurch problem but reflects how the recovery authorities have taken the transfer of risk to far.

Enough is Enough!

The media and the public in New Zealand seems to be blind to the precedent that is being set for handling of natural disasters for the future of New Zealand. This is not our last disaster.

A request to Council.

Thank you for the Hazard Forum on the weekend.
A very much needed discussion and vital for the future of our city.
The communities certainly appreciate the increased transparency.
My concerns as mentioned are the following.
Residents have no access to information about the actual damage of their own land that was fully insured.
The critical informations that are missing are the following.
  1. Subsidence, Elevation before and after the earthquakes. In centimeters.
  2. Lateral spreading quantified in direction and centimeters
  3. Changes in Groundwater. Due to changes in groundwater some land has lost the bearing capacity. Original foundations are designed for a particular land strength and wet sand versus dry sand can loose up to 50% of bearing capacity. This generates subsidence risk and increased Liquefaction vulnerability that has to be recognized and communicated.
  4. Liquefaction vulnerability. This is what caused most of the damage in canterbury. Information about vulnerability before and after the earthquake should be made available to the public.
  5. Flood risk before and after the earthquakes.
  6. 1/100 year Mike Flood map produced by DHI for EQC and Council should be made available to the public. (This is not private information for EQC)
I have extensively tried to get information about who determines the Land Categories. EQC points at Council and CERA.
CERA point at Council, Council points at MBIE. MBIE does not answer. I am referring to category 8 and 9. Liquefaction and Flooding.
I have also asked what impact do hazards identified of the LIM of a property have on land claim settlement, to no avail.
I do not find it excusable that the stakeholder that has the most at stake is denied access to these information.
The residents are slammed with up to 30% reduction in land value without any explanation.
For example TC3 in my street has dropped about 30% and that excludes devaluation from the 2007 value.
While TC1 in the same street maintains its 2007 value.
It is stated by Quotable Value that this  devaluation is not earthquake related.
That simply does not add up as the most affected land value is in the worst affected land damage area.
Worst affected sections are now rated  at less than 100k. No section is available at that price.
The worst affected get the worst treatment and their equity drastically removed while all had full insurance.
I have had correspondence with CERA on some of the land information issues and have had professional input from Adrian Cowie Professional Surveyor on this.
I attach the correspondence FYI.
I think this is a perfect opportunity to work together and display the “duty of care” that the public is entitled to.
Where there is a will there is a way.
Recommendations from the Royal Commission
“Section 4: Soils and foundations

The soils in the Christchurch CBD, being highly variable both horizontally and vertically across short distances, pose challenges for the design of structures and their foundations to withstand the potential impact of future large earthquakes. The Royal Commission considers that there must be greater focus on geotechnical investigations to reduce the risk of unsatisfactory foundation performance.

Tonkin and Taylor, for the Christchurch City Council (CCC), evaluated the nature and variability of subsurface conditions in the Christchurch CBD and adjacent commercial areas to the south and north-east. This will be held in a database available to the public. This information will be of assistance in assessing the potential need for land improvement, in the selection of appropriate foundation types, and in the planning of detailed investigation of foundation soils.

We make detailed recommendations in respect of site investigations, ground improvement and foundations design. Some recommendations are of particular relevance in the Christchurch CBD but many are of wider application.

– See more at:—Summary-and-Recommendations#sthash.43x9gQIi.dpuf

I trust this email explains some of the vital issues that are key components for the recovery progress.
Residents do not like to be kept in the dark for years, that contributes to social unrest.
I look forward to hearing back from you.
Best regards,
Hugo Kristinsson
Empowered Christchurch


Questions and answers from CERA

 Questions asked 17 February via email to CERA.

  1. Who is liable for the land damage underneath the property.
  2. Who is liable for the land remediation required for foundations up to the standard of the Building Code. AS/NZS 1170.5
  3. Why are residents denied access to the Orbit Database which contains all the details of their land damage? 
  4. Where can residents look up information about their land damage including land settlement?
  5. CERA published this statement. Undersigned by the Government “Home owners should note the fact that most insurance policies in place at the time of the earthquakes will cover the cost of building consent requirements to raise finished floor levels to meet standards set in the Building Act.
    Insurers will continue to work productively with the Council, EQC and other agencies to provide best outcomes for policy holders.

    Pg 17
    It is the groundwater that is the main problem in the Eastern Suburbs. If Houses are not raised they are at total loss.
    See attached photos.
    What is CERA and other agencies doing to ensure the best outcome for these policy holders as stated?
  6. Where no and remediation is possible such as for Category 8 and Category 9 land, why is the land and property not categorized as total loss.
    It is known that subsidence/settlement takes place down to 20 m despite what is on the surface (Eastern suburbs). Many properties have groundwater at less than a meter.
    No remediation can address this where there is lateral spreading.

Answers received 14 March.

  1. Who is liable for the land damage underneath the property.
    Information is available at: Please refer to EQC for more information.
  2. Who is liable for the land remediation required for foundations up to the standard of the Building Code. AS/NZS 1170.5
    Information is available at: Please refer to EQC for more information.
  3. Why are residents denied access to the Orbit Database which contains all the details of their land damage? 
    The Orbit Database does not contain details of land damage. It is a settlement database that has legal documents and insurance information related to red zoned properties. Residents are not denied access to this information. They can request a copy of what is on the database in relation to their own property.
  4. Where can residents look up information about their land damage including land settlement?
    Information is available at: Please refer to EQC for more information.
  5. What is CERA and other agencies doing to ensure the best outcome for these policy holders as stated?
    EQC has agreed a joint approach to talk to flood prone communities which will include CERA and other agencies. Information is available at: Please refer to EQC for more information
  6. Where no and remediation is possible such as for Category 8 and Category 9 land, why is the land and property not categorized as total loss.
    Information is available at: Please refer to EQC for more information.These answers resulted in further questions regarding answer no 3.
    Who do residents call to get the detailed land damage, settlement information for their property from the Orbit database?
    Answer received.
    My apologies, I should have been clearer … Orbit contains “settlement” information in relation to settlement of an Agreement for Sale and Purchase of properties in the Residential Red Zone between the owner (or former owner once they have settled) and the Crown.

    It does not include settlement information in relation to land damage (i.e. how much the land has settled vertically). 

I have seen land displacement information on the Orbit Geotechnical database.
There is no intention to give residents information about their own land damage, nor land settlement information.
To settle a land claim without claimant having information about the subsidence is unjust in my opinion.

We are looking at options for the residents to get access to these vital information.
Watch this space.

Floor Area of your property

The term floor area has a legal definition as per the New Zealand building code.

“floor area, in relation to a building, means the floor area (expressed in square metres) of all interior spaces used for activities normally associated with domestic living”

This is in harmony with how calculations of “floor area” are on architectural drawings for building work. Commonly information from building plans is used when insurance is arranged. Floor Area is the term used in insurance contracts.

If you have legal plans of your property, (available from Council) you can rely on those figures.

Houses are insured on “Floor Area” not to be confused with area of house. Check your policy.
Having a 100m2 groundfloor and 10m2 room in roof cavity does not require insurance of 230m2 “Floor Area”. 
But 110m2 as per building plans.
House area is something that has appeared after the earthquakes. Check out the ANZ site here, second reference is to the building plans that is the correct one.
Then they offer you a guide to measure the outside.
What is the purpose of a Code of Conduct if they practice in this way.